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ZB DKW Garden center trolley double basket without child seat ZB DKW Garden center trolley double basket without child seat ZB DKW Garden center trolley double basket without child seat ZB DKW Garden center trolley double basket without child seat ZB DKW Garden center trolley double basket without child seat ZB DKW Garden center trolley double basket without child seat
ZB DKW Garden center trolley double basket without child seat ZB DKW Garden center trolley double basket without child seat ZB DKW Garden center trolley double basket without child seat ZB DKW Garden center trolley double basket without child seat ZB DKW Garden center trolley double basket without child seat ZB DKW Garden center trolley double basket without child seat
ZB DKW Garden center trolley double basket without child seat
shopping cart dubble basket, galvanized version

Delivery / pick up in 3 days unless otherwise specified in the product.

Delivery 5 to 8 days

€ 152,50
Price per piece
- Dimentions: Lx1165 x B575 x H1045 mm
- Nest distance: 290 mm
- Length 10 shoppingcarts: 3775 mm

- Rubber wheels standard
- Wireframe transparent coating

- Neutral color grip
- Plastic end caps, child seat and bag hook, color of your choice.
- Standard equipped with sound plastics and protection profiles

- Coin Slot
- Advertising grip

The additional options are to be ordered as accessories.